61. Matter is Consciousness Itself
Life Answers: A Complete Audiobook Reading of Sri Nisargadatta Maharajah's I AM THAT - En podkast av Steve Wasserman
M: In my world love is the only law. I do not ask for love, I give it. Such is my nature. Q: I see you living your life according to a pattern. You run a meditation class in the morning, lecture and have discussions regularly; twice daily there is worship (puja) and religious singing (bhajan) in the evening. You seem to adhere to the routine scrupulously. M: The worship and the singing are as I found them and I saw no reason to interfere. The general routine is according to the wishes of the people with whom I happen to live or who come to listen. They are working people, with many obligations and the timings are for their convenience. Some repetitive routine is inevitable. Even animals and plants have their time-tables. Q: Yes, we see a regular sequence in all life. Who maintains the order? Is there an inner ruler, who lays down laws and enforces order? M: Everything moves according to its nature. Where is the need of a policeman? Every action creates a reaction, which balances and neutralises the action. Everything happens, but there is a continuous cancelling out, and in the end it is as if nothing happened. Q: Do not console me with final harmonies. The accounts tally, but the loss is mine. M: Wait and see. You may end up with a profit good enough to justify the outlays.