60. Live Facts, Not Fancies

Life Answers: A Complete Audiobook Reading of Sri Nisargadatta Maharajah's I AM THAT - En podkast av Steve Wasserman

Q: What is necessary? M: To grow is necessary. To outgrow is necessary. To leave behind the good for the sake of the better is necessary. Q: To what end? M: The end is in the beginning. You end where you start — in the Absolute. Q: Why all this trouble then? To come back to where I started? M: Whose trouble? Which trouble? Do you pity the seed that is to grow and multiply till it becomes a mighty forest? Do you kill an infant to save him from the bother of living? What is wrong with life, ever more life? Remove the obstacles to growing and all your personal, social, economic and political problems will just dissolve. The universe is perfect as a whole and the part's striving for perfection is a way of joy. Willingly sacrifice the imperfect to the perfect and there will be no more talk about good and evil. Q: Yet we are afraid of the better and cling to the worse. M: This is our stupidity, verging on insanity.

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