59. Desire and Fear: Self-Centred States

Life Answers: A Complete Audiobook Reading of Sri Nisargadatta Maharajah's I AM THAT - En podkast av Steve Wasserman

Q: Do you advise shunning pleasure and pursuing pain?  M: No, nor pursuing pleasure and shunning pain. Accept both as they come, enjoy both while they last, let them go, as they must.  Q: How can I possibly enjoy pain? Physical pain calls for action.  M: Of course. And so does Mental. The bliss is in the awareness of it, in not shrinking, or in any way turning away from it. All happiness comes from awareness. The more we are conscious, the deeper the joy. Acceptance of pain, non-resistance, courage and endurance — these open deep and perennial sources of real happiness, true bliss.  Q: Why should pain be more effective than pleasure?  M: Pleasure is readily accepted, while all the powers of the self reject pain. As the acceptance of pain is the denial of the self, and the self stands in the way of true happiness, the wholehearted acceptance of pain releases the springs of happiness.  Q: Does the acceptance of suffering act the same way? 

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