56. Consciousness Arising, World Arises
Life Answers: A Complete Audiobook Reading of Sri Nisargadatta Maharajah's I AM THAT - En podkast av Steve Wasserman
[INT. LARRY'S LIVING ROOM - DAY] Larry David sits across from an enigmatic, serene guest, Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, who's unfazed by the trivialities of Hollywood. Jeff, curious, joins with a sandwich in hand. LARRY: (Confused) So, you're saying when someone dies, it's all about what they believe? What about afterlife specials? MAHARAJ: As life before death is imagination, so is life after. The dream continues. Jeff nearly chokes on his sandwich, bewildered. JEFF: (To Maharaj) And what about you? You just... don't die? MAHARAJ: The jnani never dies because he was never born. Larry and Jeff exchange looks of utter confusion. LARRY: (Sarcastically) Oh, great, so you're just floating around, not being born or dying. Must be nice. [CUT TO: INT. COFFEE SHOP - DAY] Larry tries to explain Maharaj's philosophy to Leon, who's more interested in his coffee. LARRY: He says we're all just consciousness. No birth, no death. LEON: So, what, we're just in a big-ass dream? Man, I've had some messed up dreams. No way this is one. LARRY: Exactly! And apparently, I'm building walls by thinking we're different. LEON: Larry, you build walls with everyone. That's your thing. [CUT TO: INT. LARRY'S LIVING ROOM - DAY] Larry, now more agitated, confronts Maharaj again, with a group of friends gathered, including Ted Danson. LARRY: So, if we're all just dreaming, why bother with anything? Why not just... float around? MAHARAJ: You are the world, and the world is you. When you see the world in yourself, you see it as it truly is. Ted nods, pretending to understand, while sipping his drink. TED DANSON: (Trying to sound profound) It's like we're all part of this big, cosmic soup. LARRY: Cosmic soup? We talking about soup now? [CUT TO: INT. GOLF CLUB - DAY] Larry attempts to share his newfound "wisdom" with Richard Lewis who's having none of it. LARRY: It's all about awareness, Richard. I'm trying to broaden mine. RICHARD LEWIS: Larry, the only thing you're aware of is where your next "issue" is coming from. LARRY: (Frustrated) No, it's about seeing the fiery point of awareness. Like an incense stick burning down. RICHARD LEWIS: So, what? Now you're going to set the club on fire to find your inner spark? [CUT TO: INT. LARRY'S LIVING ROOM - EVENING] A final meeting with Maharaj, Larry's frustration peaks. LARRY: So, let me get this straight. We're all just part of this... awareness , and nothing really matters? MAHARAJ: In essence, yes. But understanding your true self is what matters. LARRY: (Exasperated) I'm more confused than when we started. MAHARAJ: That confusion is also part of the dream. LARRY: Great, so I'm dreaming. Maybe I'll dream myself into a world where people don't park in two spaces. MAHARAJ: (Smiling) That would be a dream indeed. [CUT TO: EXT. LARRY'S HOUSE - DAY] Larry, inspired yet bewildered by Maharaj's teachings, decides to live life more "aware." He immediately trips over his own feet and sprains his ankle. LARRY: (To himself) So much for awareness. ChatGPTChatGPT For the episode inspired by Maharaj's teachings, here are the Hindu philosophical terms explained: Jnani: A person of knowledge, particularly in the spiritual context of one who has realized the ultimate truth, Brahman, and has thereby transcended the ego and the cycle of birth and death. Brahman: The ultimate reality or universal consciousness in Hindu philosophy, Brahman is considered the supreme, unchanging reality, amidst and beyond the world, which is the source of all that exists. Consciousness (Chit): In Hindu philosophy, consciousness is not merely awareness or wakefulness but the fundamental aspect of existence, the essence of self and the universe. Awareness: In the context of the dialogue, it refers to a state of being fully present and conscious of one's inner self and the outer world without being caught up in the mind's narratives or identifications.