Episode 19: Our First Question From The Land Down Under! [LSP #0019]

LensShark Photography Podcast - this is the old show. Look for the new one. - En podkast av Mike "Sharky" James - career photojournalist and all-around nice guy (albeit snarky)


Welcome to episode 19!  Consider subscribing if you haven’t already. In this episode:We take our very first question from Australia as Diane wonders if the flippy screen on the D750 will make her look less professional in her wedding photography. She also asks about if she should worry about the D750’s light leak/flare issue and how this body performs in low light.As a D750 owner, I answer her questions and give her some informed advice. In the news:An unretouched photo of 48-year-old former supermodel Cindy Crawford leaks and sparks a national debate. Does it matter if models are retouched in magazines or no? Is it hypocritical if our portrait clients feel like magazine covers should not be retouched while they ask for our photos of them be? Mattel reimagines the View-Master with the help of Google and may very well frustrate parents come Fall.Did Mattel overlook a couple of big downsides to this photo-driven toy from our childhood reimagined for 2015? World Press Photo awards the top prize to a Danish photographer for a photo depicting a controversial top…and discovers an alarming number of entries needed to be disqualified. Find out why.Do you think the judges were too harsh in their judgement of the entrants? Click here to see the photo and learn more. Nikon D750s come back from being repaired for the light leak/flare issue with a black smudge made with a marker rather than the painted black dot shown in Nikon’s official repair photo.If you get a black marker smudge rather than a painted black dot will this drive down the resale value of the D750? Let us know what you think. RAW TALK podcaster Jared Polin of FroKnowsPhoto.com posted a video and article showing his black smudge in the tripod socket. Photographer Tim Mantoani’s book “Beyond Photographs” features famous photographers and their even more famous photographs.Get this great book here. Olympus shows off a futuristic looking camera setup at the CP+ Expo in JapanIs a futuristic setup like this something you’d be interested in? Is it something you can handhold? Check it out here. The Photographer’s Ephemeris updates to version 3.0This great online resource and it’s app are now on par with each other. Check it out here. I prefer the Photo Pills app. Russian photographer Nick Lariontsev creates a really cool macro time-lapse of mold growing.While it sounds gross, this time-lapse might just inspire you to do some macro photography or try your first time-lapse. French photographer Charles Petillon use giant white balloons to create really cool conceptual photos Is it time for you to take on that project you’ve been putting off. These photos just might inspire you. Click here to see them on his site. Major museums and sports teams ban the “Selfie Stick”Listen to this episode and find out why and what this might say about our self-absorbed society. Click here to view one of many Selfie Sticks available. Camera maker Olympus announces that it plans to release cameras using its Sensor Shift technology which won’t require the use of a tripod.Is this the future of cameras? Are 16 Megapixel cameras that output 40 Megapixel images on the horizon for those of us who want to run and gun rather than lock our camera down on a tripod? NASA releases a 3 minute time-lapse covering 5 years in the life of our son.The Solar Dynamic Observatory captures over 200 Million photos and culls them down into this awesome video that’ll wow you. English videographer Paul Parker gives us a view of birds as they fly which very few of us have ever seen before. Using After Effects, Parker shows us the interesting paths through the sky that birds take. Click here to watch the video. Photojournalist Lynsey Addario publishes a book of her conflict photography If you appreciate conflict photography, you’ll enjoy “It’s What I Do: A Photographer’s Life of Love and War”. Click here to order it on Amazon.com. LA-based photographer Joe Capra releases a 10K time-lapse showing the the amazing detail you can see when zooming in on 80 Megapixel images.This 5 minute, 24 second video shot in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil is worth a view. Announcement:Free eBook!  –  The Lens Shark Quickstart Guide to Perfect Exposure. Announcement:Free camera giveaway coming up!The winner’s choice of a Nikon D750, Canon 7D Mark II or Sony A7s! Listener questions needed:Click the link for the podcast and leave us an audio question to have a good chance to get on the show. Alternatively, you can post your questions on our site or via social media. ###  Please consider subscribing if you haven’t done so already, leave me a review and check me out on social media at the links below.  ### Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/LensShark/ Twitter:  http://www.twitter.com/LensShark/ Pinterest:  http://www.pinterest.com/LensShark/ Instagram:  http://www.instagram.com/LensShark/   The post Episode 19: Our First Question From The Land Down Under! [LSP #0019] appeared first on Lens Shark Photography Podcast.

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