Michelle Lundquist and Kyle Denton: Healing Herbs and Archetypes on the Scale of Emotion [King Hero Interview]
King Hero's Journey with Beth Martens - En podkast av Beth Martens
One of the big joys I have in my work is to help my people simplify what can seem like, and actually be, very complex, multi-layered and levelled inner experiences that are like a firewall between them and their freedom. A realm that humanity as a whole lacks expertise, self-awareness, and mastery in is with their emotions. But in my direct experience and those I work with, God put the human experience together — not randomly, not chaotically, not haphazardly, but in an entirely and reliable order. Emotions are heavily weaponized against us. In popular cult(ure) emotions went from something that was hidden and not talked about at all, where no one could admit they were even experiencing them, to the artificially glorified emotional “free” for all that comes out of the personal development, new age, and spiritual cult arena. Both narratives have set people’s understanding and ability to navigate back substantially. I continue to hire myself to decode the inner experience so that it can be strategically and most easily scaled. That way people don’t have to feel like a victim to their inner life if that’s the case. That’s why, in this King Hero interview, herbalist Michelle Lundquist of Michelle’s Healing Home and Kyle Denton of Tippaconoe are coming on to match the scale of emotion that I teach, to corresponding healing herbs. We will be talking archetypes, astrology, the Scorpio season we’re in, and how our inner experience can be positively and productively influenced. Given their years of study and experience, I feel blessed to be able to call on these souls to bring these two bodies of work together. About Michelle Lundquist: Michelle is a medicine woman, kitchen witch, homemaker, and gardener with a passion for plants and their ability to heal. A DIY spirit permeates her work as she encourages people to take their state of well-being into their own hands. She offers her skills through her podcast The Healing Home, Full Moon Offerings newsletter, recipes, articles, and more. She's a self-taught herbalist who's studied and actively worked with herbs & plants since 2013. Much of her knowledge has come from personal, hands-on experience and traditions passed down. Website: https://www.michelleshealinghome.com About Kyle Denton: Kyle Denton is a community herbalist and medicine maker from Wisconsin. With a deep appreciation for the virtues of nature and its healing properties, Kyle has dedicated his life to learning and harnessing the therapeutic potential of herbal medicine for the well-being of others. As the founder and proprietor of Tippecanoe Herbs, Kyle Denton not only crafts and sells herbal remedies but also shares his wealth of knowledge with others as he runs Root Radical Herbal Academy, an herb school with in-person and online classes. Eating his weeds daily, Kyle embodies a holistic approach to healing, combining time-honoured modalities from Ayurveda and Traditional Western Herbalism with a variety of eclectic interests and a passion for following the “Golden Thread” of Truth. His love for nature extends beyond the classroom and clinic. He is an avid forager, seeking out the wild, and local plants that serve as the foundation for his medicine-making. In the heartbeat of each day, Kyle first attends his role as a father and husband. He approaches family life with the same dedication he brings to his professional pursuits, nurturing and supporting his loved ones through the power of plants and the gentle spirit of nature. Visit his website: www.tippecanoeherbs.com