5/16/20: Widows and Orphans
Keys of the Kingdom - En podkast av Brother Gregory

Widows and Orphans; Community support; How to help; Ministers under strong delusion; "Visiting"; Gospel of the Kingdom; Conspiracy of the soul; Coronavirus hysteria; Power of immune systems; Recognizing universal patterns; Evolution removes freewill; George Washington's presidency; US Constitution is not biblical; What made America great; Diseases/hardships make you stronger; Acquiescence; Tyrants - big and little; US Presidential succession; Moving towards the light (righteousness); Pastor mark of the beast story; False preachers; The "Way" of Charity; Shutdown power grab; Holding leaders accountable; Living by biblical principles; Overcoming your blinders; Slothful people beget tyranny; Learning from history; Zeal killed Christ; Sureties for debt; Learning from those around us; Following the money; The Zinc key; US Constitution not popular; Patrick Henry; Financial whippings; Why we're not free; Volunteer tyrants; Germs; Antione Bechamp; Pasteurization; Snake oil salesmen; Microorganisms in your body; Strengthening immunity by seeking the kingdom; Vaccines don't cure - only stimulate; Cancer from polio vaccine - CDC website (SV-40); Willful blindness; Men in white coats are not your salvation; Bayh-Dole act; Profiting from disease; HIV/AIDS information; Retroviruses; Science is not settled; Filtering by media; Rethinking your methods - not OK to take from your neighbor; Repent = think differently; Seek righteousness of God; AIDS spread in Africa; Good men doing nothing; Seeing beyond Facebook fact checks; Love and care for one another; BE a doer of the word; Christ "way" will regenerate you; Teachers who home school; Lay down your life in love; Having life more abundant.