12/14/24: Polity of The Church - Part 5
Keys of the Kingdom - En podkast av Brother Gregory

Need for a Polity; Authority; Christ's appointing a kingdom; Possessions of Christ; Paying tribute; Caesar - president of Rome; Maryland; Setting men free; Rome in America; Sanctuary?; Aristobulus and Hyrcanus; "Law of the Place"; White Pine treaty; Rome and the Gauls; Socialism; Being of the "world"; United States jurisdiction; Pilate's wife; Right of self-determination; Red Sea crossing; Living in the spirit; Spiritual jurisdiction; Tree of Life; Forgiveness; "Polity"; Family = creation of God; Strange fire; Free assemblies; Jesus the king; Turning the world upside-down; Setting the captive free; Charity; Church CEOs?; Right to choose; Policy enforcement; Guidelines; Loving our neighbor; Foreign aid; Romans 13; Pilate - procurator of Rome; Paul's execution?; Britannia?; Paul's family lineage; Police; Article 5 - Servants of the Kingdom and mankind; "Constituency"; "Christening"; Public baptism; Witnessing; Deut 14:29; Blessings; Ministers; Lk 10:27; Ministerial jurisdiction; 2 Thess 2:13; 1 Thess 4:9; Owning thing common; Belonging to God; Salvation; Q: Darren - Self-determination; E.O. 13083 (1998); Citizenship; Coverage for Levites; Reliance on Holy Spirit; Don't test God.