12/14/24: Polity of The Church - Part 4
Keys of the Kingdom - En podkast av Brother Gregory

Policies given by Christ; Epistles?; Misunderstanding Paul; Paul's court experiences; Crazier Emperators; US Commanders in Chief; Moral authority?; King Jesus; Travel at Christ's time; Incense-burning; Benefit Temples; Centurion Christians; Rightly dividing bread from house to house; "Religion"; Temple membership; Acts 17:7; "Rhomaios" status; Appealing to Caesar; Explaining Christ; Salvation; Article 1: Congregations; Article 2: Seat of authority; What did Christ say?; "Logos" = right reason; Article 3: Conscience of The Church; Government of, for and by the people; Trees of Knowledge and Life; In, but not of, the "world"; Romans 13; Power - of choice; Consequences; Abraham and Lot; "Altars"; "Melchizedek"; The Church is a possession of God; "Church" = ekklesia = called out; Corruption of power; Term limits?; Statutory bondage; Article 4; Repentance; Covetous practices; Christ's commandments; Harmonious arrangements; Lev 20:26 "Holy"; Consecration; Separation; Covenanting with kings; Following Holy Spirit; "Put to death"; Judgements of Moses; Lev 22:2; Turning the world upside-down; False witness; Minister separation from the "world"; Pilate's declaration of Christ as king; No coveting; Loving God and our neighbors; Lev 15:31; Mt 20:13; Ordained of God; Lk 6:22; Getting kicked out of bondage; "stoning"; Having hard discussions; Num 18:14; John 15:19; "world"; Private Religion; Your duty to your fellowman; Welfare snares; The Gospel message; John 17:14; Denying the power of God; "Dunamis"; Judging; 2 Cor 6:14 "believer"; Lot's wife; Freewill offerings; Ananias's offerings; "Levites"; Sitting in darkness; Withstanding tyranny; "Infidel"; Phileo love; Faith compels action; Agape love; Sacrifice; Giving your choice away; Elder-driven Church; Homeschooling; Individual choice to love; "Belial"; 2 Cor 6:17 Be ye separate; Heb 7:26; Article 5: Servants of the Kingdom; Living stones; "Leaven"; Ensnaring yourself; "Deacon"; Tithe; Rewards of unrighteousness; Deut 14:29; Legal title; Doing the will of the Father; Acts 13:2; Barnabas; "Nicolaitans"; Serving congregations; Doing contrary to Christ?; Repent.