11/16/24: Mark 15 - Assembling the Puzzle
Keys of the Kingdom - En podkast av Brother Gregory

Crucifixion?; The "Word" = right reason of Christ; Law of Nature; Benefits at our neighbors' expense; Corban making God's word to none effect; Augustus Caesar; Roman republic?; "Emperator"; Caesar story; "Son of God"; Submitting to slavery; "God"; Making covenants; Societal shifts in thinking; Unrecognized captivity; Assurance of freedom; Covetousness not allowed; Manufactured conflict; Conflict in Christ's time; Sanhedrin; Appointment of 70; "Stones" for the Temple; No exercising authority; Sacred rights; Whole Gospel; Assembling the puzzle; Statues; Government welfare; Christ's ministers duty; Corruption; Accountability in kingdom of God; Taking back responsibilities; Early Church functions; One purse; Weakening the people; Inflation; Thriving Christians; Non-participators; Temple tribute; Building the Roman colosseum; Biting your neighbor; Wanting to believe we are free; Pilate's "Superscription"; Matt 27:27; Lk 23:11; Mark 15:24; Herod's recognition of Christ; "Parens Patria"; The Veil; Hebrew (poreketh) "pai-resh-kuf-tav"; from "perek" (cruelty); Weakened, degenerate people; Soup kitchens; Al Capone?; Income tax; FDR's bondage; Old Testament "Vail"; Tabernacle; Jubilee; Church in the Wilderness; Slavery = force; Substitute "choice" for people; Every day election day; Saul syndrome; Scattering the flock; Saved by a new Caesar?; Logos of Moses; Rebuilding stone Temple; Red Heifer?; Misunderstanding symbology; Ripping of the veil; Temple full of blood; Electing Rulers?; Repentance; Consenting to covetousness; Torment?; Holy Spirit; Immigrants; Veil within us; Pai = oral torah; Resh = process; Living the law - sacrifice; Gathering together; Kuf = crown - actualized potential; Power to heal; Tav = faith; Living by faith to receive actualized potential from God; Altars of faith, hope and charity; Tabernacle covered with skins; Offices of Caesar; Who will repent?; Healing demoniac; Caring for neighbor; "Worship"?; Bondage of Egypt; Owning your labor; Deciding good and evil; Getting you to bite one another; "love"; Hearing the Word; Tearing of the veil; Binding by love; Archeological evidence; Sacrifice of family; Ear ticklers; Receiving life more abundantly; Col 3:5; Idolatry; Wrath of God; Eph 5:5; Constantinian church; Good news knowing what to repent from; 1 Cor 5:10; Fornicators with the world; Unrighteous mammon; Creating the alternative; Setting your neighbor free first; Legal charity; Lady Godiva?; Blessing others; God of salvation; Individual salvation; Previewing Mark 16; Gathering together; May your eyes be opened.