10/19/24: Mark 13
Keys of the Kingdom - En podkast av Brother Gregory

Becoming entangled in erroneous meaning; Fact checkers?; Believing what we want to hear; Reading what the text actually says; Mark of the beast; "Will" vs "Might"; Mark of God; "Torment"; 2 Tim 3:1 Covetous lovers of self; Welfare abuse; Boasters? Think they're righteous already; Disobedient; Unthankful; Unholy; False-accusers; Capitalism; Modern church at odds with Paul; Mark 13:1; Temple Stones upon another; Reader's inspiration; Who was Jesus talking to?; Deception; Leading people astray; Examples of deception; Misinformation; Following Holy Spirit; "MIGHT" in the bible; Fear; Recognizing untruths; Mt 24:5; Seeking the kingdom and righteousness; Working to help others; Networking; Lk 21:8; 2 Jn 1:7; "logos" (Word) of Christ; Having humility; Rev 19:20; Tying things together; Setting others free; Relating their message to us today; LK 10:1; Sanhedrin; Persecution; "publish"; Following Christ's way; Censorship; Mark 13:12; Pride and betrayal; Communism; Destroying natural family; Church separate from the world; Owning the "world"; High-mindedness; Fathers aren't tyrants; The "rod"; Namesake of Christ; Enduring to the end; Lk 13:24; Being obedient children; Mark 13:14 Abomination of desolation; Worship?; Golden calf; Temple of Moneta; What does God hate?; Giving others your power of choice; "Affliction"; "Creation"?; Law of God/Nature; Collective/socialist state; Defending one another; Righteous relationships; Dependence on love; Structure of the Kingdom; Your comforter; Shortening the days?; Citizens of the kingdom; Mark 13:21; "Christ" = anointed; Evidence against your anointing; "Command"; (Cause?); Conditional; Networks of tens; Sharing so nobody is in need; The strait way; "Stars"; Looking at all things new; Repentance = thinking differently; Fig tree?; Right reason of God shall not pass away; "Watch and pray"; Neglecting responsibility; Judging; Porters; Being willing to know yourself; Doing what Christ said; Being your own walls; Poor health; Knowing the Gospel; Don't think you already know!