1/25/25: Genesis 41
Keys of the Kingdom - En podkast av Brother Gregory

Eusubius?; Genesis 41 and Today; Who's in control?; Will you see the insight?; Merit; Saving the whole world; Bondage and glory; Israel after the flesh; God outside of time and space; Hardening Pharoah's heart; Pawns of God?; Taking back responsibilities; Abundance; Government of, for and by the people; Can you serve God?; No king by Caesar; Fall of Jerusalem; Following the way of Christ; 2 Pe 2:10; Despising dominion; Electing Saul; 1 Sam 8; Curing cancer?; Culture of selfishness; Abandoning God's way; Do you want to see?; Moving to the light; Railing accusations; Revealing solutions; Self-destructive corruption; Becoming FEMA; Brute beasts; Cursing YOUR children with debt; Nicolaitan; Baalam; Legal charity; Feed my sheep!; Body and soul; Polluting your body; Revealing societal downward slide; Saving others; The "name" of Jesus the Christ; Fasting from garbage foods; Social welfare; Gen 41:1; Pharaoh's dreams; Egypt's wealth; Unselfish abundance; "Magician" chet-resh-tet-mem = seer; Gen 41:16 Butler?; Joseph's (God's) interpretation; Tree of Knowledge vs Tree of Life; Divine creator, giver of life; Pawn of that creator; Who do you serve?; Prophecy repeated as witness; Making room for God; Letting Pharaoh do this; Storing up grain in preparation; US Policy of grain reserves; Gen 41:38; Do you have God in your heart?; Peace; Dealing with narcissists; Selfishness; Promotion of Joseph; Starting the process of repentance; Joseph's new name; "Ankh"; Following Holy Spirit; Personification of the creator; Repentance; Joseph's wife and children; Manasseh and Ephriam; Being fruitful; All countries coming to Joseph for grain; Safeguarding against darkness; Why go to church?; 2 Pe 2:21; No coveting; No exercising authority; Repent!