1/11/25: An Approach to Church Organization - replay from 7/11/15
Keys of the Kingdom - En podkast av Brother Gregory

(An Approach to Church Organization - Part 3) Is nature organized?; Church established by revelation; Your gospel challenge; Perseverance; Lacking grace; Church manifesting Christ; Feel-good churches; Picking 7 men; Free government; Self-organization; Tens, Hundreds and Thousands; Calamities; Review; Limited access per mission; Testimony; Recording truth; Love = charity; Grace?; Property taxes; Legal title; Moses' people; Christ's freedom; "Order"; Families at Christ's time; Levites belonged to God; Apostles; Marriage license; To whom do you pray?; Forcing neighbors; Church of Constantine; Who controls your church?; Early Church organization; Corporation; "Great Domestic Relationship"; Honoring your father; Consent in society; Mark of the beast; Church records; Civil marriages; Justin's apology; Lady Godiva?; Covetous practices; General "church"; Sheep searching story; "Pure religion"; Daily ministration; Taking care of the needy; "Church" defined in law; Is your church doing what Christ said?; Tree of Knowledge vs Tree of Life; Navigating by Holy Spirit; Preserving Christ's doctrine; Exercising authority?; Sacrifice; Incorporation; Self-discipline; "Ekklesia"; Separation; Widows and orphans?; Christ's government; Gather with those God puts before you; Corban; Making God's word to none effect; What is a Christian?; Helping others love neighbors; Serving God by serving one another; Repentance; "Unincorporated Associations"; Corporation of Christ; "Thithingmen"; Burnt offerings; Trusts; What is an "Ordained" minister; Multiple words translated into "ordained"; "Elders" = episkipos; Owning things in common; Corporation sole; Underwear of the minister?; Congregation "membership"?; License to minister; Vow of poverty; Stones of the Temple; Recognizing ordination; Rights in God's kingdom; Becoming merchandise; Choosing men over God; Jews accepted Christ; Defining religion; Your need to give - to your minister; Regulating flow; Repent and seek His kingdom and righteousness! (An Approach to Church Organization - Part 4) Bible about religion? Or government?; Rights; "Ye also are gods"; Office of "Apotheos"; Rome v US; Religious governments; Altering history; Becoming merchandise; Bondage of Egypt; Corruption; Deciding good and evil; Inflation; Understanding value; Cash?; Separate Church; Setting souls free; Freedom?; Biting one another; Will God hear you?; Feeding the truth to others; Learning by doing; Church built on revelation; "Ordain"; "tethini", "genomai", "creno", "poeo"; Confusing meaning; Eternal life?; Buying your bondage; Christ sought recognition (witness); Which "Christ"?; The Church's legal existence; Constantine's church; Mt 18:15; Binding and loosing; Pure republics; "Libera res publica"; Church networking; Health, education and welfare; "Sacred Purpose Trust"; Jurisdiction?; Usurping authority; Getting free from your bondage; Historical wrong ways; The key to your salvation; "Che Guevara"; How to love your neighbor; Ordaining ministers; Levites; Golden calf; Substance money; Repentance; Operating by faith, hope and charity; Forcing neighbor; Get involved!