Under the Silver Lake, Spring Breakers Analysis - Jay Dyer & Tristan Classic

Jay'sAnalysis - En podkast av Jay Dyer


Tristan at P.E. invited me back to do a film review of two similar films - Krorine's Spring Breakers and Mitchell's Under the Silver Lake. Both films are incisive commentaries on post-modern hipster culture and the hedonistic abandon of millennial nihilism, contrasted with Korine's commentary on Gen X, Kids. We also investigate the subtle conspiracy elements of Under the Silver Lake, Hollywood Decoded, ritual crimes, 60s center-culture as engineered - almost as if Dave McGowan had written the screenplay. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-jay-dyer-book/ Subscribe to my site here: https://jaysanalysis.com/membership-account/membership-levels/ Follow me on R0kfin here: https://rokfin.com/jaydyernism, evangelicalism, Arianism, cults, Hebrew roots, JWs, etc. Subscribe to my site here: https://jaysanalysis.com/membership-account/membership-levels/ Follow me on R0kfin here: https://rokfin.com/jaydyerBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

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