Flashback - END TIMES NONSENSE DEBUNKED - Jay Dyer & John Adams - First Livestream!

Jay'sAnalysis - En podkast av Jay Dyer


Almost 7 years since the first livestream! John Adams of HBC joins Jay Dyer to dismantle and deconstruct the Old Time End Time religion and its uses for social engineering and geopolitical ends. We will tackle premillennialism and the "rapture," CIA and other Pentagon agencies using these tactics, biblical texts and preterism, as well as taking SUPERCHAT QUESTIONS.Next live event here: https://www.toplobsta.com/pages/brohemian-grove Icon Conference: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-theology-of-the-icon-image-likeness-conference-tickets-1031683682667?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-jay-dyer-book/ Subscribe to my site here: https://jaysanalysis.com/membership-account/membership-levels/ Follow me on R0kfin here: https://rokfin.com/jaydyerBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

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