Big brother is watching you - interview with Professor Xiao Qiang

Iterasjoner - om kommunikasjon, teknologi og innovasjon fra Itera - En podkast av Itera v/Stein Arne Nistad og Solveig Holtvedt

This is the additional interview with Professor Xiao Qiang! ** The Chinese government plan on implementing a system where Chinese citizens almost constantly are under surveillance and ranked according to their actions. This has been named a "Social Credit System", and is expected to be fully implemented nation-wide in 2020. Chinese students and professor at Berkeley Xiao Qiang are among the interviewees. We asked them about their stance on the upcoming system, and how it will affect them in the future. In main podcast episode, we are accompanied by Martin Maurtvedt, who has written a master's thesis about this subject, and Helene Dahl Jørum, communication advisor at Itera. Together we try to comprehend what exactly this sort of system is, and what societal consequences it can bring along. What will the Chinese government use it for? And why aren't Chinese citizens as concerned as us?