Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of Oct 30 to Nov 6
Intuitive Astrology with Molly McCord - En podkast av Intuitive Astrology with Molly McCord
A frequency shift is happening that is affecting our consciousness beyond what we can fully grasp right now. The Grand Sextile that was exact on Oct 28 is continuing to move us forward but in hidden ways as Scorpio season requires us to trust what we’re feeling and sensing, especially as the veil between dimensions is unusually thin. Mercury in Scorpio is very active right now, and even alleviates some of the Mars-Pluto opposition tension on Nov 2 before moving into Sagittarius for the next 2 months. Mars in Cancer opposing Pluto in Capricorn reveals an evolutionary pressure to integrate what hasn’t been fully accepted or loved. The tension requires growth and a permanent change in one’s emotional self-understanding. The Scorpio New Moon on Nov 1 can help with facing fears, vulnerabilities, doubts, and internal power struggles. A lot of energy is heightened from Friday to Sunday, and then the Sun in Scorpio makes a stabilizing trine to Saturn RX in Pisces on Monday, Nov 4, bringing in a desire to accept and flow with the changes. Much more to share in this week’s podcast. No podcast on Monday, Nov 4, so I’ll see you on Wednesday, Nov 6! ~ Your Cosmic Codes: 12 Universal Spiritual Laws In Your Astrology Chart ~ Journey through 12 Spiritual Laws and realign your astrology chart to create new energetic openings, manifestations, and experiences in your life. More details here: https://www.mollymccord.online/YourCosmicCodesAstrology