He Loved them to the End

In Your Presence - En podkast av Eric Nicolai

Preceding the account of the washing of the feet, St. John says: John introduces this gesture. It is not present in the other synoptics: “Now before the feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that his hour had come to depart out of this world to the Father, having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end.” (Jn 13:1). He loved them to the end. We should reflect on the meaning of such a phrase, whether in my life, in your marriage, it can be said I have loved, and served to the end of my abilities, or 80% or 50%, or if I have given a lot but then seek out compensations in giving myself extra comforts or other forms of compensation. Or maybe it’s 90% at work, but only the leftover at home. This is a meditation preached by Fr. Eric Nicolai in Ernescliff College at a recollection on April 12, 2023. Thumbnail: Christ Washing the Feet of the Apostles by Meister des Hausbuches, 1475 (Gemäldegalerie, Berlin). Music: Ernesto Nazareth, Confidências (played by Bert Alink) Museopen.org. For more meditations, check my channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/EricNicolai/videos www.ernescliff.ca www.opusdei.ca

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