In The Seats With...Alan Adelson and Kate Taverna and 'The People vs. Agent Orange'
In The Seats with... - En podkast av David Voigt
Sometimes things just need to be screamed from the mountain tops... 'The People vs. Agent Orange' is a timely chronicle of the fact that The Agent Orange catastrophe did not end with the Vietnam War. The herbicide still wreaks havoc on the human genome, causing deformed births, illnesses and deadly cancers. Sixty years later, the world over, 2,4,-D, a primary component of the toxic defoliant, still controls weeds in farming, forestry, parks, even on children’s playgrounds. After decades of struggle and tragic personal losses, two heroic women are leading a worldwide movement to end the plague and hold the manufacturers accountable. In France, Tran To Nga is suing the American chemical industry for poisoning her in Vietnam - a lawsuit she filed in 2014 against the corporations that produced and sold the dioxin-contaminated Agent Orange. The suit includes U.S. multinational companies Dow Chemical and Monsanto, now owned by the German conglomerate Bayer. Final pleadings in her case were heard in a French court at the end of January 2021 with a decision due in May. In America, Carol Van Strum exposes the continuing use of toxic herbicides in the Pacific Northwest. A suspicious fire destroys her home. Incriminating documents disappear. Activists are threatened. A helicopter technician secretly films the on-going contamination of reservoirs, while a massive industrial cover-up goes on. The film hits select Virtual Cinema's this Friday and we got the distinct pleasure to sit down with the filmmaking team of Alan Adelson and Kate Taverna to talk about this very issue and so very much more...