Episode 38: Nicky Pattinson
Impact the World with Lee Harris - En podkast av Lee Harris

Down to earth, hilarious, a powerhouse with a heart of gold is who our special guest, Nicky Pattinson, is. A speaker, mentor and creator of legendary courses, both real-life and virtual, Nicky is well-known for her humor and unusual understanding of what makes humans connect with others – and what makes some of us invisible to most no matter how hard we try. She learned this unusual craft running one of the UK's most successful market trading businesses. (The kind of market that sell eggs and fabric, not stocks and bonds!) Nicky now shares her magic teaching advanced connection and expression concepts to corporate organizations, small businesses and entrepreneurs. Her motto is powerful, "BE SOMEONE. NOT EVERYONE." In this episode, Lee and Nicky discuss the importance of not only the ‘’energetic match’’ to a person or company, but a way that activates others into emotional resonance and action. How when we drop into our hearts more and express who we really are to the world, others get to experience our unique presence. Being in Nicky’s presence, you can’t help but laugh out loud with delight as she shares more about her journey as well as feeling deeply moved by her sharing more about the tragic loss of her infant son. To learn more about her work: https://nickypattinson.com/ FB private group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/741216203339828/ Want to go deeper with Lee’s work? Join us beginning September 29th for his acclaimed online course Empaths vs. Narcissists - A Power Dynamic and How to Recover From It. This powerful healing journey features in-depth video teaching broken down into modules for you to watch at your own pace, live Q&A calls where you can ask your question directly to Lee, guided qigong practices to facilitate grounding, audio downloads of all course content, a private members forum and much more! Registration is open now at http://empathsvsnarcissists.com/