Episode 37: Miten
Impact the World with Lee Harris - En podkast av Lee Harris

Our special guest, Miten, is a modern day spiritual nomad on a mission with his partner Deva Premal to share the medicine of mantras with the world. As musicians, teachers and chant masters, they have been at the cutting edge of Sanskrit chanting for 25 years, enhancing the yoga practice of millions. Their sacred music has been Grammy nominated and with over a million monthly Spotify listeners, their intention is to utilize music for meditation, stress management, personal growth and conscious contemplation. This show was filmed while Deva and Miten were quarantined in Costa Rica, just days after completing 77 days of meditation with their online community that brought thousands of people together from around the globe. In this touching episode, Lee and Miten discuss a wide range of topics that include his time while at Osho's ashram, why music and mantras are so sacred to him, and he shares his profound experience healing from heart surgery. To learn more about his work: https://devapremalmiten.com/ Want to go deeper with Lee’s work? Join us beginning September 29th for his acclaimed online course Empaths vs. Narcissists - A Power Dynamic and How to Recover From It. This powerful healing journey features in-depth video teaching broken down into modules for you to watch at your own pace, live Q&A calls where you can ask your question directly to Lee, guided qigong practices to facilitate grounding, audio downloads of all course content, a private members forum and much more! Registration is open now at http://empathsvsnarcissists.com/