Playlist: The National, explicats en 17 can�ons

iCatTapes - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio - Onsdager


La banda nord-americana acaba de publicar el seu vuit� elap�, "I am easy to find". Fem un recorregut musical per les seves dues d�cades de vida. 01 "Bloodbuzz Ohio" 02 "The system only dreams in total darkness" 03 "Fake empire" 04 "All the wine" 05 "About today" 06 "Murder me Rachael" 07 "I need my girl" 08 "You had your soul with you" 09 "Mr. November" 10 "Terrible love" 11 "Light years" 12 "Don't swallow the cap" 13 "Looking for astronauts" 14 "Mistaken for strangers" 15 "I should live in Salt" 16 "American Mary" 17 "Rylan"