Playlist: Novetats, panellets i vi dol�
iCatTapes - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio - Onsdager

Delicioses novetats discogr�fiques per celebrar Tots Sants. Selecci� de les millors can�ons del moment. 01 Lizzo - "Good as hell (Feat. Ariana Grande)" 02 Caroline Polachek - "So hot you're hurting my feelings" 03 Manel - "Aqu� tens el meu bra�" 04 The Tyets - "Hamaking" 05 Omar Montes & Bad Gyal - "Alocao" 06 Princess Nokia - "Sugar honey iced tea (S.H.I.T.)" 07 Mala Rodr�guez & Guaynaa - "Dame bien (Feat. Big Freedia)" 08 IDK - "Digital" 09 Arlo Parks - "Sophie" 10 Lola Marsh - "Only for a moment" 11 Ferran Palau - "Una llum" 12 Lucy Dacus - "In the air tonight" 13 Formentera Badminton Fan Club - "Astre jo" 14 Anna of the North - "Dream girl" 15 Mazoni - "El mirall" 16 Didirri - "Blue mood rising" 17 Single - "Un roce al paso" 18 Lildami - "Mentrestant (Feat. Santi Balmes)" 19 Miquel Vilella - "Els fans de l'amor nord-americ�" 20 Iguana Death Cult - "Nude casino"