Playlist: Fruits de tardor i altres hits

iCatTapes - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio - Onsdager


Melodies c�lides per il�luminar-nos la vida quan es fa fosc aviat. Novetats musicals que ens acaronen l'�nima. 01 Arlo Parks - "Green eyes" 02 Eels - "Earth to Dora" 03 Dom La Nena - "Todo tiene su fin" 04 Llu�s Cabot - "M�s tresors que mapes" 05 Carlota Fl�neur - "Brains" 06 Lambchop - "Reservations" 07 Luna Valle - "Estado de alarma" 08 Didirri - "It's the season" 09 Marta P�rez - "If It feels" 10 Jeff Tweedy - "Guess again" 11 Miley Cyrus - "Zombie" 12 This is The Kit - "Coming to get you nowhere" 13 Alberto Montero - "Contigo" 14 Suzanne Vega - "Luka" 15 Christian Lee Hutson - "Atheist" 16 Maria Hein - "No te veig" 17 The Bird Yellow - "Everything moves" 18 Renaldo & Clara - "Rodones" 19 Billie Eilish - "Therefore" 20 Ladilla Rusa - "Ni tu ni un altre"