Playlist: A l'abril, can�ons mil
iCatTapes - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio - Onsdager

Novetats i m�s novetats per no perdre el ritme. La primavera �s una festa amb les noves incorporacions a la selecci� musical di�ria d'iCat. 01 Marcel i J�lia - "Amor clim�tic" 02 The Sey Sisters - "We got your back" 03 Guillem Roma - "Sentir-se petit (Feat. Pavvla)" 04 Anna Of The North - "Here's to another" 05 Lildami - "Vermutet (Feat. Sr. Chen)" 06 U.S. Girls - "4 american dollars (Buffetlibre remix)" 07 Manel - "Tipus suite" 08 Jorja Smith - "Addicted" 09 24kGoldn - "Outta pocket" 10 Suzanna - "Special sparkle" 11 b1n0 - "Daus (Feat. El Petit de Cal Eril)" 12 Joana Serrat - "Pictures" 13 Cine Nuria - "Lo bonito" 14 The Prussians - "Freak show" 15 Ariox - "Fotre el camp" 16 Galgo Lento - "Completament normal" 17 Bakermat & Nic Hanson - "Walk that walk" 18 Tkay Maidza - "Where is my mind?" 19 Kovitch - "Tapar el sol"