142 - 5 Ways to improve your business logic
How To Code Well - En podkast av Peter Fisher - Fredager
Business logic isn't just for businesses in the money making sense. Business logic encapsulates entities and the business rules or policies that solve real world problems. Business logic is used to model entities that relate to business objects. For example your application may require orders, order items, payments, customers and the addresses. 5 ways to improve Business logic Keep it portable Keep it out of view logic Small isolated rules Avoid large recalculations of data Don't over abstract Watch the show on YouTube Contact me and let me know your thoughts or get something read out on air. My web development courses ➡️ Learn How to build a JavaScript Tip Calculator ➡️ Learn JavaScript arrays ➡️ Learn PHP arrays ➡️ Learn Python ✉️ Get my weekly newsletter ⏰ My current live coding schedule (Times are BST) Thursdays 20:00 = Live Podcast YouTube Sundays 14:30 - Live coding on Twitch