Exploring the Gospels - Judge not... - Marcus Da Costa - House of Israel U.K

House of Israel U.K - En podkast av House of Israel U.K

Once the purpose of the teaching from the mount and plane by Yeshua unto his disciples is understood: a message filled with the characteristics of the Sons of God; a deposition making distinction between them and the religious establishment; and the acts of righteousness that invokes a reward, then it’s impossible for his teaching to be misappropriated contrary to its purpose. The purpose of the message is to provide his disciples with measurable, achievable and objective building blocks unto mature sonship. It is within this framework, in addition to the appreciation that the gospel records are a bridge the author writes connecting the reader to the Messiah, the law, Psalms and prophets speak of, that this teaching, for the myriads at the mount and plane as well as for us, is to be used for self evaluation purposes.

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