Episode 41 - Under Capricorn
HitchPod - A Podcast About Alfred Hitchcock Movies - En podkast av Dan Liebke, Cat Jones
G'day mates! Here's a fair dinkum Aussie episode about an old Hitcho flick called Under Capricorn. Strewth! Crack open a tinnie and have a bloody good listen. Right. Enough of that. In this episode we are no more Australian than usual as we discuss Under Capricorn, including sloppy horsemanship, Monty Python skits, the perils of being an ex-convict and much, much more. Patreon supporters will also get access to a bonus podcast in which we Hitchcockify Crocodile Dundee. Find out how to access that segment by going to https://www.hitchpodonline.com/support-hitchpod/, which is where you'll also get access to our previous episodes on Rear Window, Strangers on a Train, Vertigo, The Birds, Psycho, Rebecca, Dial M For Murder and more.