Hammer House of Podcast - Episode 22

Telefantasy Time Jump - En podkast av Paul Cornell, L. M. Myles.


Hello! And welcome to the fifth episode of Hammer House of Podcast, where Paul Cornell (Doctor Who, Elementary) and L.M. Myles (Verity!) discuss, in order of UK release, every horror movie made by Hammer Film Productions between 1955 and 1976, from The Quatermass Xperiment to To the Devil… A Daughter. In 1963's Maniac, we journey to France, and fine scenery, and a surprising array of animals (turkeys!). Alas, while one might expect from the title they're about to enjoy a fast-paced thrilling horror, this is not the case. Thank goodness there are pretty shots where you can see people horse-riding across the beach. One of us was more impressed by this movie than the other, but not by the end of the podcast. Liz feels very guilty about this.

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