Reviews of Velocipastor - D-Railed on Gruesome Magazine 79

Gruesome Magazine - Horror Movie Reviews and Interviews - En podkast av Doc Rotten


This week, the Grue-Crew come face-to-face with some very strange reptilian creature features. The first film this week is VELOCIPASTOR from director Brendan Steere features a troubled pastor who falls prey to a bizarre 'were-velociraptor' curse. The second film is D-RAILED from director Dale Fabrigar follows a group of train passengers on a rocky trip to hell. Doc Rotten from Horror News Radio. Jeff Mohr from Decades of Horror: The Classic Era. And Crystal Cleveland, the Livin6Dead6irl share their thoughts about this week's awesome collection of streaming horror films. Joining the crew this week is Horror News Radio co-host, Dave Dreher!

Gruesome Magazine Podcast - Episode 079


After losing his parents, a priest travels to China, where he inherits a mysterious ability that allows him to turn into a dinosaur. At first horrified by this new power, a hooker convinces him to use it to fight crime. And ninjas.


  • Director: Brendan Steere
  • Cast: Alyssa Kempinski, Greg Cohan, Claire Hsu


Release: A man of the cloth turns Jurassic in Wild Eye Releasing’s THE VELOCIPASTOR – coming this August to DVD and Digital!


Passengers on a train that crashes into a river must decide whether to risk waiting for help in the wreckage or take their chances in the murky depths below.


  • Director: Dale Fabrigar
  • Cast: Suzanne DeLaurentiis, Dale Fabrigar


Release: D-RAILED comes to DVD and Digital August 6



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