Take Our Advice (& Morgan’s Chewing) w/a Grain of Salt: Gilmore Girls S2E5 (Nick&Nora/Sid&Nancy)
Friday Night Dinner with Morgan & Rachelle: A Gilmore Girls Podcast - En podkast av Rachelle & Morgan

Auditory trigger warning: Morgan was imbibing in Friday Night Dinner during much (munch?) of the recording of this episode, and we both were laying the unsolicited advice on thicckkkk throughout, so if this is the last time you listen, well, we get it and don’t blame you, quite frankly. But if neither of those things deter you, then we’ll see you in Stars Hollow for this hellscape of an episode. No, literally, this is hell, and you’d better watch out, you’d better not cry, you’d better not pout we’re telling you why, because Jess Mariano is comin’ to town. . . Hey, we're not in so -- AH bashed my thumb! -- leave a message: [email protected] If you're out on the road, follow us on Instagram: @fridaynightdinnerpod Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review this podcast on Apple Podcast, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts. . . Intro and outro music by Sam Phillips, covered by Brent Cihonski. We own nothing. Gilmore Girls is the property of Amy Sherman-Palladino and Daniel Palladino. All thoughts expressed within the podcast are our own and do not reflect the thoughts, beliefs, etc. of the showrunners, producers, creators, actors, etc.