Ep.260.2 | Freeing yourself from the Mass mind control system with Ludwig Gartz
The Principles Podcast - En podkast av :adrian

#Adrian #knowledge #LudwigGartzAuthor Ludwig Gartz discusses the deep and pervasive mind control system that has such a strong hold still on so so many people in this realm. So strong a hold that most do not perceive it. We also explore ways to break free from the dark spell that has been cast over people.Another fascinating discussion.To buy Ludwig's eBooks:For the UK:https://uk.nineness.net/en/collections/e-books-englishFor the US:https://us.nineness.net/collections/e-books-englishWebsite (mostly in German): https://neunheit.de/enYoutube channel:https://www.youtube.com/c/LudwigGartz/videosTo support my work:https://fortheloveoftruth.co.uk/support-me/Monero address:41hRm6kgZfF14qw31vWrerS888eCfQd8A7Ktp2FYpvXNRFcfdCNjiZU7mMG5zPP4Dr5D2DPGBPPmrPyDnPvMUNHe2FCA1n3——-Podcast: https://fortheloveoftruth.co.uk/podcast/ or https://fortheloveoftruth.buzzsprout.com/Make sure to sign up for my newsletter so you never miss any new content and offers: https://fortheloveoftruth.co.uk/newsletter-signup/My book:I have written a book on health and well-being. Nothing mainstream in here, just things I've observed and worked out that have helped me and others who have used the ideas.You can read more about it here:http://alternativeprinciplesforhealth.info/Are you nutritionally deficient?If you want to buy Clive de Carle’s Natural Health Essentials and join The Secret Health Club which gives you access to very rich detailed (and censored) content please use this affiliate link: https://clivedecarle.ositracker.com/239640/11489Bioresonance therapyWe are immersed in invisible frequencies, many of which are damaging to our bodies.To learn more about bioresonance:https://alternativeprinciplesforhealth.info/ep-255-bio-resonance-therapy/To learn more about the Bio-Medis Trinity device you can visit their website. This is an affiliate link:https://biomedis.global/ref/adrian/—Drinking distilled water is one of the best things you can do for your health. To buy a distiller via our affiliate link:https://www.makewaterpure.co.uk/?cmid=THVmWlZFWFJYRVk9&afid=YVJqdUJQMWI2Tms9&ats=YXErRWFBS3hCd1E9Support the show