Ep. 250 - Corruption in the prison system

The Principles Podcast - En podkast av :adrian

#Adrian #corruption #prisongiven a 20-year prison sentence for taking a cash payment for doing a building job and yet no prison sentences for the drug-pushing, serial-killing, genocidal, Harmaceutical psychopathic tyrants of Pharmageddon though or for the GP's and the system that enables it  all. But that is not the issue we were exploring in this talk. Instead, we focussed on a few areas of corruption in the prison system, and the justice system to give you an insight into how it is being used to launder money out of the public sector and back into private hands.This is just the tip of the iceberg to get you thinking and exploring if you are so inclined.To support my work:https://fortheloveoftruth.co.uk/support-me/Monero address:41hRm6kgZfF14qw31vWrerS888eCfQd8A7Ktp2FYpvXNRFcfdCNjiZU7mMG5zPP4Dr5D2DPGBPPmrPyDnPvMUNHe2FCA1n3 Are you nutritionally deficient?If you want to buy Clive’s Natural Health Essentials and join The Secret Health Club which gives you access to very rich detailed (and censored) content please use this affiliate link:https://clivedecarle.ositracker.com/239640/11489Podcast: https://fortheloveoftruth.co.uk/podcast/ or https://fortheloveoftruth.buzzsprout.com/Make sure to sign up for my newsletter so you never miss any new content and offers: https://fortheloveoftruth.co.uk/newsletter-signup/My book:I have written a book on health and well-being. Nothing mainstream in here, just things I've observed and worked out that have helped me and others who have used the ideas.You can read more about it here:http://alternativeprinciplesforhealth.info/—Drinking distilled water is one of the best things you can do for your health. To buy a distiller via our affiliate link:https://www.makewaterpure.co.uk/?cmid=THVmWlZFWFJYRVk9&afid=YVJqdUJQMWI2Tms9&ats=YXErRWFBS3hCd1E9Support the show

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