Alternative Principle for Health - A reading of the dedication and introduction of my book
The Principles Podcast - En podkast av :adrian

Your health is down to you. It is your responsibility. No third party, just you. Only you can heal you. Once you know what to do and how your body works staying healthy is actually very straightforward, it is how your body is designed, as a self-repairing and correcting organism. Your job is to stop ingesting and exposing yourself to toxins both visible and invisible and cleanse them from your body. That and give it the correct nutrients, water and environment physically, mentally and spiritually.Alternative Principles For Health started out as notes to myself to help me stay well, to understand how and why the medical industrial complex and big pharma exist not to help, but to keep people sick and consuming the products and services. Over time it evolved into something much greater once my partner developed breast cancer as I set about making sure she did not succumb to the same vile torture that eventually took my mother from this realm in the early 2000s. Originally about cancer, it has evolved into a much larger project that will likely never be completed. As I discover more, from time to time the book gets updated and all purchaser are sent download links to the updated version, with a clear changelog for them to quickly access the new information, if they want. You can read more about it and buy it here: podcast is me reading the inner cover, Dedication and the Introduction to the book to give you a taster of what it is about and why it is being written.Support the show