Unveiling Secrets: Sibling Bonds in Latgale Highlands
FluentFiction - Latvian - En podkast av FluentFiction.org

Fluent Fiction - Latvian: Unveiling Secrets: Sibling Bonds in Latgale Highlands Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/unveiling-secrets-sibling-bonds-in-latgale-highlands Story Transcript:Lv: Saules staru caur koku zarus sildīja Rūtas seju, kad viņa gāja pa taku Latgales augstienē.En: Sunbeams warmed Ruta's face as they filtered through the tree branches while she walked along the trail in the Latgale highlands.Lv: Pa kreisi un pa labi viļņojās zaļi meži, un tālumā spīdēja ezera virsma.En: On either side, green forests undulated, and in the distance, the surface of a lake shimmered.Lv: "Kaspars, kur gan tu vari būt?En: "Kaspars, where could you be?"Lv: " Rūta domāja.En: Ruta thought.Lv: Viņa bija izlēmusi noskaidrot patiesību par savu ģimeni.En: She had decided to uncover the truth about her family.Lv: Rūta un Kaspars bija māsa un brālis.En: Ruta and Kaspars were sister and brother.Lv: Viņiem no bērnības bija stāstītas daudz pasakas par viņu ģimeni, taču bija sajūta, ka kaut kas tiek slēpts.En: Since childhood, they had been told many tales about their family, but there was a sense that something was being hidden.Lv: Rūta gribēja saprast, kas notika ar viņu senčiem.En: Ruta wanted to understand what had happened to their ancestors.Lv: Viņa beidzot atrada Kasparu pie veca ozola.En: She finally found Kaspars by an old oak tree.Lv: "Kaspar, es gribu runāt," viņa teica nopietni.En: "Kaspars, I need to talk," she said seriously.Lv: Kaspars saspringti skatījās uz viņu, bet tad noslīga uz zemes.En: Kaspars looked at her tensely, then sank to the ground.Lv: "Rūta, tev nav vajadzības zināt šo stāstu," viņš klusām teica.En: "Ruta, you don't need to know this story," he said softly.Lv: "Man ir tiesības zināt," Rūta uzstāja.En: "I have the right to know," Ruta insisted.Lv: "Tas ir mūsu ģimenes stāsts.En: "This is our family's story.Lv: Es to zināšu, vai nu no tevis, vai meklējot pati.En: I will know it, either from you or by searching on my own."Lv: " Kaspars dziļi nopūtās.En: Kaspars sighed deeply.Lv: Viņš jutās, ka viņam vairs nav spēka pretoties savu māsu.En: He felt that he no longer had the strength to resist his sister.Lv: "Rūta, mūsu senči bija bagāti zemnieki, bet viņi zaudēja visu karu laikā," viņš sāk stāstīt.En: "Ruta, our ancestors were wealthy farmers, but they lost everything during the war," he began.Lv: "Viņi tika izsūtīti un zaudēja dzimto zemi.En: "They were exiled and lost their homeland.Lv: Tēvs vienmēr teica, ka tas bija pārāk sāpīgi, lai par to runātu.En: Father always said it was too painful to talk about."Lv: "Rūta klusēja, apdomādama Kaspara vārdus.En: Ruta remained silent, contemplating Kaspars' words.Lv: "Paldies, Kaspar," viņa teica beidzot.En: "Thank you, Kaspars," she finally said.Lv: "Es saprotu, kāpēc tu to slēpi, bet mums ir jāzina.En: "I understand why you hid this, but we need to know.Lv: Mums ir jāstiprina mūsu saknes.En: We need to strengthen our roots."Lv: "Kaspars juta atvieglojumu un skatījās uz māsu ar jaunu sapratni.En: Kaspars felt relieved and looked at his sister with newfound understanding.Lv: "Es vairs neko neslēpšu no tevis, Rūta.En: "I won't hide anything from you anymore, Ruta.Lv: Mēs esam ģimene, un mums jāatbalsta viens otrs.En: We are family, and we need to support each other."