Rekindling Friendships: A Journey from Guilt to Forgiveness
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Fluent Fiction - Latvian: Rekindling Friendships: A Journey from Guilt to Forgiveness Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Lv: Vējš dancoja ar oranžajām lapām ārpus Rīgas psihiatrijas nodaļas logiem.En: The wind danced with the orange leaves outside the windows of the psychiatric ward in Riga.Lv: Rudens bija pamazinājis sauli un atnesis kluso melanholiju, kas piepildīja slimnīcas gaiteņus.En: Autumn had dimmed the sun and brought a quiet melancholy that filled the hospital corridors.Lv: Janis sēdēja savā istabā, vērojot, kā lapas virpuļo.En: Janis sat in his room, watching the swirling leaves.Lv: Viņam trūka draugu un ģimenes, bet šodien kaut kas mainījās.En: He missed friends and family, but today something had changed.Lv: Kāds bija nācis viņu apciemot.En: Someone had come to visit him.Lv: Māra nervozi raudzījās istabas durvīs, sirsniņā smaga no pagātnes noziegumiem.En: Māra nervously glanced at the room’s door, her heart heavy with past wrongdoings.Lv: Viņa ilgu laiku nebija redzējusi Jani.En: She hadn't seen Janis for a long time.Lv: Bērnībā viņi bija labākie draugi, bet dzīve viņus bija šķīrusi.En: In childhood, they were best friends, but life had separated them.Lv: "Janis?En: "Janis?"Lv: " viņa klusi aicināja, ieejot istabā.En: she softly called as she entered the room.Lv: Uz mirkli starpība zuda.En: For a moment, the distance disappeared.Lv: Viņi abi skatījās viens uz otru, acīmredzams laika nospiedums uz viņu sejām.En: They both looked at each other, the marks of time evident on their faces.Lv: Jani pārņēma trauksme.En: Anxiety overcame Janis.Lv: Viņam bija grūti uzticēties, sirds bija aizsargāta aiz stikla sienas.En: It was hard for him to trust; his heart was protected behind a glass wall.Lv: Bet Māra solās pie viņa, sēdēja uz krēsla.En: But Māra stepped closer, sitting in a chair.Lv: "Man ļoti žēl," viņa teica, sakot vārdus, kurus klusībā atkārtoja ilgu laiku.En: "I’m very sorry," she said, speaking words she had silently repeated for a long time.Lv: Janis lēni pamāja.En: Janis slowly nodded.Lv: "Kāpēc tu aizgāji, Māra?En: "Why did you leave, Māra?"Lv: " viņš beidzot jautāja.En: he finally asked.Lv: Viņa balss trīcēja, tāpat kā lapas ārpusē.En: His voice trembled, just like the leaves outside.Lv: Māra dziļi izdvesa, meklējot vārdus.En: Māra exhaled deeply, searching for words.Lv: "Dzīve kļuva sarežģīta.En: "Life became complicated.Lv: Es biju nobijusies.En: I was scared.Lv: Bet es nekad negribēju tevi aizlaist.En: But I never wanted to leave you."Lv: " Vārdi bija smagi, bet viņa tos izteica ar patiesu nožēlu.En: The words were heavy, but she expressed them with genuine regret.Lv: Viņa skatījās uz Jani, sāpes viņam acīs bija spogulis viņas pašas jūtām.En: She looked at Janis, the pain in his eyes a mirror of her own feelings.Lv: "Tas bija grūts laiks," Janis piekrita.En: "It was a tough time," Janis agreed.Lv: "Es jutos pamests, bez draugiem.En: "I felt abandoned, without friends.Lv: Man grūti ticēt, ka šo varam aizmirst.En: It’s hard to believe we can forget this."Lv: "Māra paraustīja galvu.En: Māra shook her head.Lv: "Mēs nevaram aizmirst, bet varam piedot.En: "We...