Mix-Up at the Market: A Tale of Friendship

FluentFiction - Latvian - En podkast av FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Latvian: Mix-Up at the Market: A Tale of Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/mix-up-at-the-market-a-tale-of-friendship Story Transcript:Lv: Rīts Rīgā bija saulains un dzīvības pilns, it īpaši Rīgas Centrāltirgū, kur cilvēki steidzās pirkt un pārdot svaigākās preces.En: The morning in Riga was sunny and bustling with life, especially at the Riga Central Market, where people hurried to buy and sell the freshest produce.Lv: Liene bija jauna meitene ar spilgtiem acu zibumiem, kas dievināja tirgu - šo čivināšanas un smaržu kaleidoskopu.En: Liene was a young girl with bright sparkling eyes, who adored the market - this buzzing and fragrant kaleidoscope.Lv: Viņa bija atnākusi pēc zivīm, bet ceļā satika savu labo draugu Aivaru, kurš tikko bija iegādājies lielisku lasi.En: She had come for fish, but on her way, she met her good friend Aivars, who had just bought a splendid salmon.Lv: Šajā pašā tirgū bija arī Andris, zemenes audzētājs no Pierīgas, kurš lepni eksponēja savas spožākās vasaras ogas.En: In this very market, there was also Andris, a strawberry grower from Pieriga, proudly displaying his shiniest summer berries.Lv: Liene zināja, cik viņas māte mīlēja šīs sulīgās zemenes, tāpēc nolēma arī tās nopirkt.En: Liene knew how much her mother loved these juicy strawberries, so she decided to buy them as well.Lv: Aivars, dodoties prom no tirgus, lūdza Lieni uzmanīt savu lasi.En: As Aivars was leaving the market, he asked Liene to look after his salmon.Lv: Viņa piekrita, bet pēc neliela brītiņa sajauca Aivara lasi ar Andra zemenēm.En: She agreed, but after a little while, she mixed up Aivars's salmon with Andris's strawberries.Lv: Sapņojot par mājās gaidāmo zivju vakariņām, Liene paņēma klēpī zemeņu grozu un steidzās mājup.En: Dreaming of the fish dinner awaiting at home, Liene picked up the strawberry basket and hurried home.Lv: Brīdī, kad Andris atgriezās pie savas tirdzniecības vietas, viņš izbrīnījās par kāda mīklainā apmaiņa - zemeņu vietā bija lasis!En: When Andris returned to his selling spot, he was astonished by a mysterious exchange - instead of strawberries, there was a salmon!Lv: Un, kad Aivars atnāca pakaļ savai zivij, viņš atrada tikai grozu ar zemenēm.En: And when Aivars came back for his fish, he found only a basket of strawberries.Lv: Abi vīrieši nekavējoties saprata, ka kaut kas ir greizi nolikts.En: Both men immediately realized that something had been misplaced.Lv: "Galu galā, kur nu manas ogas?En: "In the end, where are my berries?"Lv: " Andris dusmīgi jautāja, un Aivars pievienojās: "Un mana zivs?En: Andris angrily asked, and Aivars added, "And my fish?Lv: Es gribēju to vakariņām!En: I wanted it for dinner!"Lv: "Liene, ieraugot savu kļūdu, steidzās atpakaļ uz tirgu.En: Seeing her mistake, Liene hurried back to the market.Lv: Viņa skrēja caur tirgus burzmu ar zemeņu grozu rokās, apzinoties, cik kņada viņa ir izraisījusi.En: She ran through the market bustle with the basket of strawberries in her hands, realizing the mess she had caused.Lv: Atgriežoties, viņa atrada Aivaru un Andri, viņiem abiem neapmierināto sejas izteiksmi.En: Upon returning, she found Aivars and Andris, both wearing dissatisfied expressions.Lv: "Man žēl," Liene sāka, "Es paņēmu ne to pirkumu.En: "I'm sorry," Liene began, "I took the wrong purchase.Lv: Šīs ir jūsu zemenes, Andri, un Aivar, lūdzu, piedod par samaisīšanu.En: These are your strawberries, Andris, and Aivars,...

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