A Day at Riga's Central Market: A Quest for Freshness and Flavor

FluentFiction - Latvian - En podkast av FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Latvian: A Day at Riga's Central Market: A Quest for Freshness and Flavor Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/a-day-at-rigas-central-market-a-quest-for-freshness-and-flavor Story Transcript:Lv: Saulainā rītā Rīga bija dzīva un pilna cilvēku.En: On a sunny morning, Riga was lively and full of people.Lv: Jānis un Laima gāja pa bruģakmeņiem līdz Centrāltirgum.En: Jānis and Laima walked along the cobblestones to the central market.Lv: Šodien viņiem bija īpaša misija – nopirkt svaigus dārzeņus un vietējo medu no tirgus pārdevējiem.En: Today, they had a special mission – to buy fresh vegetables and local honey from the market vendors.Lv: Tirgus bija pilns ar smaržām, skaņām un krāsām.En: The market was full of scents, sounds, and colors.Lv: Sievietes ar šalli un vīri ar platām cepurēm piedāvāja savas preces.En: Women with scarves and men with wide-brimmed hats were offering their goods.Lv: Laima redzēja spilgtas sarkanās tomātus un kļuva sajūsmā.En: Laima saw bright red tomatoes and got excited.Lv: Viņa piegāja pie vecenītes stenda un jautāja: "Labdien, vai šie ir svaigi tomāti?En: She walked up to an old lady's stall and asked, "Good morning, are these tomatoes fresh?"Lv: ""Jā, mana meitiņ!En: "Yes, my dear!"Lv: " vecenīte atbildēja.En: the old lady replied.Lv: "No mana dārza, šorīt aizvesti!En: "From my garden, picked this morning!"Lv: " Laima nopirka kilogramu tomātu.En: Laima bought a kilogram of tomatoes.Lv: Viņa bija priecīga par savu pirmo pirkumu.En: She was happy with her first purchase.Lv: Jānis tikmēr meklēja kartupeļus.En: Meanwhile, Jānis was looking for potatoes.Lv: Viņš piegāja pie vīrieša ar smaidīgu seju.En: He approached a man with a smiling face.Lv: Vīrietis teica: "Sveiks!En: The man said, "Hello!Lv: Tev kādi kartupeļi vajadzīgi?En: What kind of potatoes do you need?"Lv: ""Labākie šodienai!En: "The best for today!"Lv: " Jānis atbildēja.En: Jānis replied.Lv: Viņi ilgi runāja un secināja, ka sārti kartupeļi ir vislabākie.En: They talked for a while and concluded that pink potatoes were the best.Lv: Jānis nopirka piecus kilogramus.En: Jānis bought five kilograms.Lv: Pēc tam viņi abi devās uz medus stendu.En: Then, they both headed to the honey stall.Lv: Stenda īpašnieks bija liels un smaidīgs vecis.En: The stall owner was a large, smiling old man.Lv: "Labrīt!En: "Good morning!Lv: Vai Jūs vēlaties nogaršot mūsu medu?En: Would you like to taste our honey?"Lv: " viņš jautāja.En: he asked.Lv: "Protams," Laima teica ar prieku.En: "Of course," Laima said with joy.Lv: Viņa mīlēja medu jau kopš bērnības.En: She had loved honey since childhood.Lv: Jānis arī pamēģināja.En: Jānis tried some too.Lv: Medus bija tik salds un garšīgs, ka viņi uzreiz nopirka trīs burkas.En: The honey was so sweet and delicious that they immediately bought three jars.Lv: Kad viņi gāja mājās, abi bija ļoti priecīgi.En: As they walked home, both were very happy.Lv: Jānim un Laimai bija viss, kas vajadzīgs garšīgai maltītei.En: Jānis and Laima had everything they needed for a delicious meal.Lv: Viņi runāja un smējās, atceroties stāstus, ko dzirdēja no tirgus pārdevējiem.En: They talked and laughed, reminiscing about the stories they heard...

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