New Evidence that Leaked Video of MH 370 Disappearing through a Portal is Genuine

EXOPOLITICS TODAY with Dr. Michael Salla - En podkast av Dr. Michael Salla

Ashton Forbes became interested in a leaked video purporting to show missing Malaysian Airlines MH370 being portalled to another location via three rotating plasma orbs during its disappearance on March 8, 2014. He has accumulated evidence that the craft was taken en route from Malaysia to China carrying 20 scientists who had developed a superconducting microchip that was going to be patented or developed in China. Forbes claims that early conspiracy theories by the comedian Dick Gregory and others pointing to the Carlyle Group, the Rothschilds, and/or Blackstone wanting to kill the scientists so they could assert ownership of the superconducting microchip patent were misplaced. Forbes claims that the MH-370 operation was conducted by the US intelligence community that wanted to stop China gaining control of the superconducting microchip technology, which represented a breakthrough technology. Forbes discusses how MH370 was portalled to Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean after disappearing en route to China. Dr. Michael Salla introduced the corroborating testimony of a secret space program participant, Mark Domizio, who claims that one of his alters, a cloned version of himself based at a DUMB facility at Diego Garcia, was tasked to kill a crew that disassembled MH-370’s tail and wing sections. Forbes next discusses the controversy raised by Kim Dotcom, who offered a $100,000 bounty to anyone who could prove the leaked MH370 video was a hoax. When a still photographer, Jonas De Ro, released images he had taken from an airplane of clouds allegedly used in the leaked video, Dotcom claimed that proof now existed that the video had been debunked and offered to pay the bounty. Forbes initially thought the video had been debunked and made a tweet to that effect, but later learned that Jonas’ released cloud formation images did not predate the leaked MH370 video. Forbes also discusses a mysterious letter he received from a covert intelligence operative who encouraged him to continue his efforts and that it was indeed the US intelligence community that was behind the disappearance of MH370. Finally, Forbes discussed plasma balls, cold fusion, gravity waves, and other advanced technology projects, many of which he believes are still too dangerous to be released to the world. Ashton Forbes x/Twitter site is

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