Episode 14 - STUPID C*** SEPTEMBER: The Sequel - An American Werewolf In London and Midsommar
Eternal Darkness Of Not So Spotless Minds - En podkast av matt wood

Welcome to STUPID C*** SEPTEMBER: The Sequel! This time, Matt and Kate are joined by our very own American tourist, Lance Langford of The Horror Returns podcast, for episode 14 of Eternal Darkness Of Not So Spotless Minds! We welcome him with spirits and beers, and if he wants something hot, he can have tea! And we promise not to bite… though we might howl at the moon a bit. In this episode, Lance has selected the moon-orientated movie, An American Werewolf In London (1981), representing the pre-2000s and the sun-orientated movie, Midsommar (2019), representing the post-2000s! We also chat about Kate’s culinary tour of Texas, compare US vs. UK Halloween celebrations and debate posh shagging! So kick back, relax and crack open a can of something delightful as we take you down to the Eternal Darkness Of Not So Spotless Minds. Please also check out our social media and contact pages: Facebook - www.facebook.com/groups/edonssmpod Instagram - @edonssm_podcast Email - [email protected] Background music provided by Chuckie Steel on Spotify. Intro music: “You Are A Kernt” by DJ SMURF on Soundcloud.