Vull sentir el soroll del mar
El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio

Potser �s perqu� som mediterranis, o senzillament perqu� necessitem una mica de calma enmig de tot aquest soroll. La q�esti� �s que res enguixa tantes esquerdes com el so del mar gronxant-nos el cor. 01 Otis Redding - "(Sittin' on) the dock of the bay" 02 The Tornadoes - "Bustin' surfboards" 03 Blur - "Clover over Dover" 04 Oasis - "Champagne supernova" 05 Dire Straits - "Follow me home" 06 Claudio Baglioni - "Questo piccolo grande amore" 07 Gruff Rhys - "Shark ridden waters" 08 The Shangri-Las - "Remember (walking in the sand)" 09 Chicago - "Wishing you were here" 10 Pavement - "Blue hawaiian" 11 Robyn Hitchcock - "Love" 12 Roxy Music - "Sea breezes"