Viol�ncia dom�stica

El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio


Malauradament, la xacra de la viol�ncia dom�stica no t� aturador. Aqu� teniu una selecci� de can�ons que en parlen de manera crua i honesta. 01 Suzanne Vega - "Luka" 02 Tracy Chapman - "Behind the wall" 03 The Crystals - "He hit me" 04 The Beatles - "Run for your life" 05 The Beatles - "Getting better" 06 Lou Reed - "Caroline says II" 07 Billy Bragg - "Levi Stubbs' tears" 08 Olivia Rodrigo - "Hope ur ok" 09 The Beautiful South - "Woman in the wall" 10 k d lang - "Nowhere to stand" 11 Ron Sexsmith - "Cheap hotel" 12 Jason Isbell - "Yvette" 13 kanny Garcia, Mon Laferte - "Se portaba mal" 14 Everclear - "Father of mine" 15 Travis - "Re-offender"