Viatge al futur
El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio

Oblida el present. Avui fem un viatge cap a les infinites possibilitats que ens depara el futur a trav�s de les can�ons m�s vision�ries de la hist�ria del pop. 01 Prince - "1999" 02 Pulp - "Disco 2000" 03 Topo - "Vallecas 1996" 04 Ant�nia Font - "Robot" 05 The Flaming Lips - "Riding to work in the year 2025" 06 Timbuk 3 - "The future is so bright, I gotta wear shades" 07 The B-52's - "Song for a future generation" 08 Arctic Monkeys - "Tranquility base hotel casino" 09 The Byrds - "One hundred years years from now" 10 Zager & Evans - "In the year 2525" 11 Kate Bush - "Breathing" 12 St Vincent - "The apocalypse song" 13 Radiohead - "Idioteque"