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El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio


Encara que no us ho penseu, cada cop que un m�sic escolta una pe�a seva, sovint el que sent no �s una glopada de satisfacci�, sin� totes les coses que ara canviaria de la can�� si pogu�s. Hi ha alguns valents que fins i tot han decidit reenregistrar-les, per tal de poder dormir a les nits. Pobrets. 01 Taylor Swift - "Slut!" 02 Peter Gabriel - "Here comes the flood" 03 Peter Gabriel - "Here comes the flood" 04 Joni Mitchell - "Both sides now" 05 Joni Mitchell - "Both sides now" 06 Derek and the Dominoes - "Layla" 07 Eric Clapton - "Layla" 08 Kate Bush - "Moments of pleasure" 09 Kate Bush - "Moments of pleasure" 10 Prefab Sprout - "Appetite" 11 Prefab Sprout - "Appetite" 12 Bob Dylan - "Don't think twice, it's alright" 13 Bob Dylan - "Don't think twice, it's alright"