Totes les can�ons sonen millor amb un acordi�

El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio


Deu ser per la seva sonoritat amable, terrenal i melangiosa. Aqu� estem conven�uts que tot sona millor si hi afegeixes un acordi�. 01 The Band - "When I paint my masterpiece" 02 The The - "This is the day" 03 Elvis Costello & The Attractions - "The long honeymoon" 04 Lloyd Cole & The Commotions - "Brand new friend" 05 The Pogues - "Five green queens and Jean" 06 Juliette Greco - "Sous le ciel de Paris" 07 The Fray - "How to save a life" 08 Tom Waits - "Hang on to your head" 09 Sufjan Stevens - "Decatur or round of applause for your step-mother" 10 The Rolling Stones - "Back street girl" 11 Counting Crows - "A long december" 12 Julieta Venegas - "Lento" 13 Carles Belda & El Conjunt Badabadoc" - "Arrels" 14 Joan Garriga & Carles Belda - "El diat�nic"