The Lemon Twigs, pop classicista d'una altra �poca
El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio

Els germans Daddario semblen sortits de principis dels 70. La seva m�sica ens remunta a l'�poca gloriosa dels primers cantautors confessionals i el soft rock m�s melodi�s. Per sort, per�, no s�n una par�dia, i no ho s�n perqu� saben construir can�ons impecables. 01 "Corner of my eye" 02 "Any time of the day" 03 "I wanna prove to you" 04 "Baby, baby" 05 "The lesson" 06 "If you give enough" 07 "No one holds you" 08 "The one" 09 "Live in favor of tomorrow" 10 "What happens to a heart" 11 "In my head" 12 "Ghost run free" 13 "How lucky am I?" 14 "Everyday is the worst day of my life" 15 "Born to be lonely"