Room service
El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio

Avui hem decidit fer-vos sortir de casa i convidar-vos a una nit d'hotel amb pensi� completa, piscina al terrat, sessi� de bingo i servei d'habitacions. No patiu, que paga la casa. 01 Eagles - "Hotel California" 02 The White Stripes - "Hotel Yorba" 03 Elvis Presley - "Heartbreak hotel" 04 Leonard Cohen - "Chelsea hotel 2" 05 Arctic Monkeys - "Tranquility base and hotel casino" 06 Richard Hawley - "Hotel room" 07 Guided by Voices - "Hotel X" 08 Father John Misty - "Chateau Lobby 4" 09 The Kinks - "Sitting in my hotel" 10 Van Dyke Parks - "Chateau Marmont" 11 Chilly Gonzales & Jarvis Cocker - "Room 29" 12 Little Feat - "Cadillac hotel" 13 Wilco - "Hotel Arizona" 14 The Rolling Stones - "Memory motel"