Quinze discos que van canviar la hist�ria del pop

El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio


Potser no s�n els millors ni els m�s venuts, per� aquests catorze discos van ser tan transgressors i originals que van canviar la hist�ria de la m�sica pop. 01 The Beatles - "A day in the life" 02 The Velvet Underground - "All tomorrow's parties" 03 The Byrds - "Hickory wind" 04 Marvin Gaye - "What's going on" 05 Bob Marley & The Wailers - "Stir it up" 06 Ramones - "Blitzkrieg bop" 07 Pau Riba - "Kithou" 08 Veneno - "San Jos� de Arimatea" 09 Kraftwerk - "Trans-Europe-Express" 10 The Smiths - "This charming man" 11 Joni Mitchell - "Amelia" 12 Run DMC - It's like that" 13 Manu Chao - "Clandestino" 14 Radiohead - "The bends" 15 Kanye West - "Stronger"