M�sica per salvar el planeta
El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio

Atrapats en aquesta espiral autodestructiva que s'est� carregant el planeta, potser que rescatem can�ons que reivindiquen l'ecologia i la sostenibilitat. 01 Talking Heads - "(Nothing but) flowers" 02 Jack Johnson - "The 3 R's" 03 Marvin Gaye - "Mercy mercy me (the ecology)" 04 Weyes Blood - "Something to believe" 05 Joan Manuel Serrat - "Pare" 06 Childish Gambino - "Feels like summer" 07 Pixies - "Monkey gone to heaven" 08 The Beach Boys - "A day in the life of a tree" 09 The Weather Station - "Atlantic" 10 REM - "Fall on me" 11 ANOHI - "4 degrees" 12 Joni Mitchell - "Big yellow taxi" 13 David Axelrod - "The warnings part II" 14 Crosby, Stills & Nash - "To the last whale" 15 Jimi Hendrix - "Up from the slies"