Micos, goril�les i primats en general: les can�ons m�s mones del pop
El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio

Desenganyem-nos, per molts anys que hagin passat, l'evoluci� del mico a l'home no �s tan evident com ens pensem. Ves que aquest no sigui el motiu per trobar tantes can�ons protagonitzades per primats. 01 The Monkees - "I'm a believer" 02 Pixies - "Monkey gone to heaven" 03 The Specials - "Monkey man" 04 The Rolling Stones - "Monkey man" 05 Arctic Monkeys - "I wanna be yours" 06 Ian Brown - "Corpses in their mouths" 07 Beck - "Loser" 08 Los Coyotes - "El mono" 09 The Beatles - "Everybody's got something to hide except for me and my monkey" 10 Gorillaz - "On melancholy hill" 11 James Taylor - "Gorilla" 12 Peter Gabriel - "Shock the monkey" 13 The Kinks - "Apeman" 14 Bloodhound Gang - "The bad touch" 15 Steely Dan - "Monkey in your soul"